“Felix” is a historical documentary film, telling the story of an aerial reconnaissance soldier who served in protecting Ukraine and its integrity since 2015 and became a Ukrainian hero, awarded a “Order of Courage of the III degree” postmortem.
A sudden, mysterious death, unrequited love, the search for the causes of the soldier's demise, and the belief of relatives and friends that Felix is ALIVE – these are just a few conflicts surrounding the film's storyline.
The film also includes the stories of other Ukrainian soldiers, who shared them with us before returning to the front lines in Ukraine's hotspots.
This historical drama combines authentic recollections of the formation of Ukraine's independence, from 1991 to the present day. The film reveals key events that prompt viewers to reflect on the price the Ukrainian nation has paid for its independence over centuries, defending itself against the appetites of Muscovites, and continues to defend it to this day.
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Ticket Pickup: Collect your e-tickets at the ticket window at door time on show night. If you're buying multiple tickets, it’s best if your whole party is present. Remember to have your photo ID for entry.
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